The Three Little Pigs (Classic Fairy Tales) артикул 11101d.
The Three Little Pigs (Classic Fairy Tales) артикул 11101d.

Book DescriptionThe classic tale where the little duckling learns that appearances are not everything This magical series of fairy tales brings together 12 well-loved, traditional favorites in one beautiful collection Fully illustrated throughout, these books are beautifully detailed interpretations of the familiar tales The enchanting оззвт images bring the traditional stories to life in vibrant full color giving these children's classics a fresh look that will last a lifetime.  Pass   57.1   Bett   Bett2005 г 32 стр ISBN 1904668631.

Irresistible Businesses: Dazzling And Delighting Customers For Life! артикул 11103d.
Irresistible Businesses: Dazzling And Delighting Customers For Life! артикул 11103d.

Lynn Thomas, a nationally acclaimed retention specialist and speaker on the topic, now shares her practical and proven tools and techniques on how to delight and dazzle customers time, after time, after time In her new book, she shares how to bring heart and a sharp customer focus to corporate America WHILE increasing profitability Your company оззвы can apply these techniques immediately to increase your business' retention rate The ROI is 15:1 Is there another profitable strategy that you are currently employing that will generate that return? No, because retention produces the highest impact on profits of any strategy that Lynn has uncovered over the 14 years she has been a retention expert Lynn makes it easy, simple and fun to learn how to delight your customers Companies can refocus on what really matters-Their Customers! These top customers know the most about your business and are eager to share their ideas for your business to become even more successful Read it now, to avoid the mistakes of your competitors and be the person to bring heart and a sharp customer focus back into your company while reaping the financial rewards.  отде   Шуре   Your   SkagISBN 0595297196.

Кулинарный мастер-класс Для начинающих и не только артикул 11105d.
Кулинарный мастер-класс Для начинающих и не только артикул 11105d.

Редактор: Т Радина Перед вами книга "Кулинарный мастер-класс Для начинающих и не только" В начальной стадии работы предполагалось назвать ее "Кулинарный мастер-класс оззге для начинающих", чтобы провести для молодых хозяек своего рода кулинарный тренинг и обучить их всем тонкостям поварского искусства Но по мере ее создания стало понятно, что в книгу вошло такое количество новых интересных рецептов, полезной информации и советов, что не без основания появилась причина кое-что добавить к ее названию, поскольку и опытные хозяйки с большим стажем найдут здесь много полезного для себя Вы узнаете, как и по каким признакам выбирать, обрабатывать и хранить продукты питания; как и в какой последовательности рационально готовить обед; как подбирать посуду кухни и ухаживать за ней; как подружиться с микроволновкой; как создать изысканное многообразие вкусов при помощи специй и приправ И, конечно же, вас ждет феерия кулинарных рецептов! Вкусные, недорогие и легкие в приготовлении домашние салаты, паштеты, форшмаки, супы, борщи, окрошки, сытные гарниры, аппетитные горячие блюда из мяса, птицы и рыбы, оригинальные блюда из теста, ароматная домашняя выпечка и божественные десерты Автор Элга Боровская.  Вятк   Unit   Семе   словСерия: Кулинарное искусство.

Cycles: How We Will Live, Work, and Buy артикул 11107d.
Cycles: How We Will Live, Work, and Buy артикул 11107d.

We are at the beginning of a new era, a lifestyle revolution that will transform who we are and what we do, as people and as consumers The predictable linear, chronological life pathways of past generations -- from school, to marriage, to work, to children, to retirement -- made sense when the average human life span was shorter Now, life expectancy оззгл has soared to age seventy-seven and promises to rise further, and we are starting to make decisions based less on age and more on lifestyle and life stage Maddy Dychtwald, a leading expert on generational marketing, offers a radical new view of how Americans live, work, and buy according to the new freedoms and responsibilities of our shifting age demographics, and the staggering implications for the marketplace, the workplace, and our lives Longer, healthier lifetimes have resulted in a dramatic change in the way we perceive our options Highly educated and independent men and women are finding adventure, challenge, connection, and a sense of purpose at all ages People now return to school at age thirty-five, have children at forty-five, start new careers at fifty, remarry at seventy This cyclic approach to life, Dychtwald observes, has begun to replace the old linear path Drawing on her studies of demographics, Dychtwald examines how age is becoming less and less of a determining factor in our choices, and less relevant to how we are defined in our own eyes and by society at large She brings into focus the wealth of opportunities opened up by the new cyclic approach Providing examples of pioneers on nonlinear life paths, the author explores increasingly widespread phenomena such as lifelong learning, serial careers, the revamped institutions of marriage and the family, expanded recreational pursuits, healthy aging, and "nonretirement " Based on her years of experience in generational marketing, Dychtwald also investigates how companies might best respond to the ways our new lifestyles are reshaping the workplace and the economy Howcan a business satisfy and profit from the new ageless consumer? How can companies benefit from a cyclic workforce? For individuals and companies alike, Dychtwald's groundbreaking book will open up exhilarating new possibilities.  Mari   Stop   Yves   MexoISBN 0743226143.

American Visual Culture артикул 11109d.
American Visual Culture артикул 11109d.

Covering the period from the late nineteenth century to the present day, the book explores how visual culture has at once transformed and consolidated the image of the United States American Visual Culture presents both an analysis of the diversity of American visual media and a critical introduction to the study and interpretation of visual culture оззгт Thematic chapters--on American urban and rural landscapes, icons, popular culture, art and photography, as well as on crime, anxiety and sex-- introduce the cultural, intellectual and historical context Throughout, these themes are discussed in conjunction with clear and concise explanations of key visual theories and methodologies.  Mois   Terr   Robe   Drea2009 г Твердый переплет, 256 стр ISBN 1845202163.

Making Worlds: 53rd International Art Exhibition: La Biennale di Venezia артикул 11111d.
Making Worlds: 53rd International Art Exhibition: La Biennale di Venezia артикул 11111d.

Like the most recent exhibitions curated by Daniel Birnbaum, the Art Biennale 2009 will present worlds in the making A work of art is more than an object, he says, more than a commodity It represents a vision of the world, and, if taken seriously, it can be seen as a way of world-making It is Birnbaum’s ambition to create a show that, although articulated оззгх into individual zones of intensity, remains fundamentally a unique exhibition.  Barb   Maxt   stop   Cano2009 г Мягкая обложка, 704 стр ISBN 8831796968.

Лучшие рецепты артикул 11113d.
Лучшие рецепты артикул 11113d.

Составитель: Наталья Ильиных Около 100 уникальных снимков - около 100 блюд - украсили настоящее издание "Лучшие рецепты", незаменимое практическое пособие для широкого оззгш круга как профессионалов, так и любителей, неистощимый кладезь новых идей по подаче и декору Настольное перекидное издание.  Nadi   Rand   Жадь   1280Серия: Сам себе повар.

The Castle артикул 11115d.
The Castle артикул 11115d.

One of three unfinished novels left after Kafka's death, The Castle is in many ways the writer's most enduring and influential work In Harman's muscular translation, Kafka's text seems more modern than ever, the words tumbling over one another, the sentences separated only by commas Harman's version also ends the same way as Kafka's original manuscript-that оззде is, in mid-sentence: "She held out her trembling hand to K and had him sit down beside her, she spoke with great difficulty, it was difficult to understand her, but what she said " For anyone used to reading Kafka in his artificially complete form, the effect is extraordinary; it is as if Kafka himself had just stepped from the room, leaving behind him a work whose resolution is the more haunting for being forever out of reach Автор Франц Кафка Franz Kafka Родился в семье лавочника Окончил престижную немецкую школу в Праге, в 1906 году получил степень бакалавра юриспруденции Юридическая практика приносила достаточно средств, чтобы снимать жилье, и оставляла достаточно времени на то, чтобы писать (а не.  Iron   Lowl   Morn   RobeИздательство: Wordsworth Editions Limited, 2009 г Мягкая обложка, 304 стр ISBN 978-1-84022-182-4 Язык: Английский Формат: 125x200.

The Baby Chicks Are Singing / Los Pollitos Dicen артикул 11117d.
The Baby Chicks Are Singing / Los Pollitos Dicen артикул 11117d.

Book DescriptionPerfect for native Spanish speakers learning English or vice-versa, this popular traditional Spanish folk song is brought to life by bestselling illustrator Ashley Wolff*s striking artwork With the Spanish text on one side and English on the other, children will soon be *peep*-ing and *pio*-ing along with the baby chicks and оззди mother hen on the farm This colorful book is perfect for little hands, and will be a hit with kids at schools, libraries, day care centers, and at home.  Enco   Мвкд   Соде   Amar2005 г 22 стр ISBN 0316067326.

Паркетные полы артикул 11119d.
Паркетные полы артикул 11119d.

Художник: А Петрова Покрытию пола в современном жилище уделяется все больше и больше внимания Можно говорить даже об определяющей роли пола в общем интерьере квартиры По сравнению озздл с другими напольными покрытиями - дощатыми, линолеумными, покрытиями из ковролина и т д , полы из паркета имеют ряд преимуществ как в плане их надежности и долговечности, так и в эстетическом отношении Сама по себе тема паркетных покрытий очень обширна, учитывая новшества, появившиеся в последнее время Предлагаемая Вам книга целиком посвящена покрытиям из штучного паркета и его заменителей, учитывая все достижения современных технологий в этой области Автор выражает благодарность менеджеру московского завода `Интеграф` Сорочкину Михаилу Юдовичу за консультации по ряду вопросов, затронутых в книге Авторы М Рубайло (составитель, автор) Б Алинин (составитель, автор).  Geni   Wind   Alex   БаркСерия: Своими руками.

Домашний электрик и не только… Книга 1 артикул 11121d.
Домашний электрик и не только… Книга 1 артикул 11121d.

Редактор: Сергей Корякин-Черняк В популярном двухтомнике первая книга посвящена полезным в городе самоделкам, а вторая - интересным схемам для дачи, садового участка, досуга озздт В популярной и занимательной форме рассмотрен широкий аспект практических работ в городской квартире, на даче или садовом участке Эти работы часто связаны не только с электричеством, но и со смежными областями знаний - радиоэлектроникой, телевидением, сотовой связью, электронными охранными системами Основная цель книги - помочь каждому желающему приобрести навыки в ремонте электросети, бытовых электрических приборов, изготовлении простых радио- и электроустройств для домашнего хозяйства и досуга Читатель научится правильно устанавливать и подключать различное электротехническое оборудование в городской квартире или на даче Он сможет сделать небольшую электростанцию в загородном домике, установить и настроить обычную или спутниковую телеантенны, сделать небольшой радиопередатчик или охранную сигнализацию, а также многое другое, что делает наш быт более комфортным и уютным Предназначена для широкого круга радиолюбителей, домашних умельцев и тех, кто любит поддерживать исправность домашних электрорадиоприборов самостоятельно, проводить досуг за монтажом интересных и полезных в быту схем Автор Виктор Пестриков.  Bald   Digi   Chec   разгСерия: Радиомастер.

Lessons from the Nordstrom Way: How Companies are Emulating the #1 Customer Service Company артикул 11123d.
Lessons from the Nordstrom Way: How Companies are Emulating the #1 Customer Service Company артикул 11123d.

Praise for Lessons from the Nordstrom Way "Lessons from the Nordstrom Way is a blueprint for providing superior customer service There are lessons here for people in every industry " Barry Sternlicht, Chairman and CEO, Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc "Robert Spectors book is chock-full of insights on how you озздщ can give great customer serviceno matter what business youre in This stuff makes sense Youll read it and immediately ask yourself,now why did I never think of that?"Roy H Williams, bestselling author of The Wizard of Ads "At Continental, we learned that you must trust your people to do a good job Robert Spector shows that entrusting and empowering your employees are essential ingredients for a corporate culture of great customer service "Gordon Bethune, Chairman and CEO, Continental Airlines.  EHLP   Tatt   Svia   DaviISBN 0471355941.

London Interiors: From the Archives of Country Life артикул 11125d.
London Interiors: From the Archives of Country Life артикул 11125d.

London's historic houses and domestic interiors have suffered greater loss and change than most of their provincial counterparts due to political and social change, war, and a tradition of continuous rebuilding The photographic archive accumulated over the past century by the magazine Country Life forms a remarkable and evocative record of озздь houses as they were In this latest collection, the vanished magnificence of the great 18th-century houses of the aristocracy, from the glamorous Rococo interiors of Norfolk House to the Gothic Pomfret Castle Other houses are seen at key moments in their history: Robert Adam's Home House occupied by Samuel Courtauld and his celebrated collection of Impressionist masterpieces; the monumental Classical interiors of Dorchester House, photographed shortly before they were swept away In addition to many images of spectacular turn-of-the-century opulence, the book also reflects fashionable taste between the wars: Lady Diana Cooper's bathroom, Chips Channon's staggering dining room, and Lord and Lady Louis Mountbatten's elegant apartment.  RHZN   Opti   DrBr   Lomo2009 г Мягкая обложка, 192 стр ISBN 1845134338.

Jeff Koons: Versailles артикул 11127d.
Jeff Koons: Versailles артикул 11127d.

This volume presents a marriage made in camp heaven--the splendid extravagance of the palace of Versailles as a backdrop for the gregarious, loud and equally extravagant sculptures of contemporary American Pop artist Jeff Koons, who mounted the first contemporary art exhibition ever in the apartments of the king in September 2008 What other озздю artist could match Louis XIV's love of the saccharine gesture? Sugared up to the max, Koons here counterposes Versailles' rich detail with his more simplified forms, including a monumental red chocolate-box-style heart, balloon dog and suspended red aluminum lobster Other works outdo Versailles for kitsch, such as Koons' marble self-portrait, playfully sited amid busts of Louis XIV, his infamous Michael Jackson and Bubbles" sculpture and his ever-cryptic bare-breasted blonde clutching the Pink Panther Yet others, such as the large vase of flowers, blend seamlessly with the decor Needless to say, accusations of irreverence have abounded, but Koons avows only respect for the venue and has testified that he has drawn inspiration for his floral sculptures from the "fantasy and control" shown by Louis XIV himself The degree of sympathy is as hard to contest as the edge of parody: Asked why he installed his vitrine of vacuum cleaners among the portraits of royalty in the Queen's antechamber, Koons replied that, among other things, vacuum cleaners are "very womblike " This monograph records each of the 17 works as exhibited and is supplemented with texts by Jean-Jacques Aillagon, chairman of Versailles and a former French culture minister, and controversial French novelist Michel Houellebecq, among others ".  Rola   Сысо   Serg   Hist2009 г Твердый переплет, 192 стр ISBN 2915173419.

1000 Interior Details for the Home: And Where To Find Them артикул 11129d.
1000 Interior Details for the Home: And Where To Find Them артикул 11129d.

This book looks at every aspect of interior detail for domestic spaces It is designed to appeal to anyone interested in improving the home environment, from professionals such as architects and interior designers to DIY enthusiasts Products selected come from around the world and are all currently available to buy (websites of manufacturers/suppliers оззеб are included in the product captions) The selection includes a combination of the newest and the best products launched since the millennium, arranged into chapters to provide inspiration for every space in the domestic interior The book has seven chapters: Walls and Floors; Doors, Windows and Stairs; Heating and Cooling; Kitchens; Bathrooms; Lighting; Home Technology Each chapter is prefaced by an in-depth interview with a leading architect/designer, who has a specialist knowledge of the chapter's subject: James Soane, co-founder of Project Orange, looks at windows and doors Gregorio Spini, the founder of Kundalini, one of Italys most progressive lighting manufacturers, discusses domestic lighting Jack Mama, creative director at Philips Design, talks about technology in the home.  Davi   Ever   Micr   Mart2009 г Мягкая обложка, 384 стр ISBN 1856696103.

Living with the Rubbish Queen : Telenovelas, Culture and Modernity in Brazil артикул 11131d.
Living with the Rubbish Queen : Telenovelas, Culture and Modernity in Brazil артикул 11131d.

Book DescriptionAn examination of the role of telenovelas-a Latin American sister to the Anglo-Saxon soap opera-this book looks at their impact on the everyday lives of Latin American audiences It seeks to explain telenovelas' cultural and commercial success; the meanings, identities, and social actions articulated through watching telenovelas; оззеж and how audiences-often first- or second-generation migrants in the huge cities of Latin America-use telenovelas in coping with urban life and modernity.  Фран   Прои   Beko   Disc2003 г 256 стр ISBN 1860205410.

Любимые рецепты артикул 11133d.
Любимые рецепты артикул 11133d.

Составитель: А Фокина Хотите создать свою личную кулинарную книгу? Нет ничего проще! Наверняка у вас, как у любой хорошей хозяйки, есть фирменные рецепты Соберите их здесь, и оззел у вас получится собственная кулинарная книга Приготовление пищи - это творческое занятие, и результаты его - любимые кулинарные рецепты - обязательно должны быть закреплены Творите на кухне и пополняйте вашу кулинарную книгу интересными находками.  8942   Seve   Удар   RenzСерия: Хозяйке на заметку.

Cinema Panopticum артикул 11135d.
Cinema Panopticum артикул 11135d.

T Ott plunges into the darkness with five new graphic horror novelettes: "The Prophet," "The Wonder Pill," "La Lucha," "The Hotel," and the title story, each executed in his hallucinatory and hyper-detailed scratchboard style and runningbetween 16 to 20 pages The first story in the book introduces оззер the other four: A little girl visits an amusement park She looks fascinated, but finds everything too expensive Finally, behind the rollercoaster she eyeballs a small booth with "CINEMAPANOPTICUM" written on it Inside there are boxes with screens Every box contains a movie; the title of each appears on each screen Each costs only a dime, so the price is right for the little girl She puts her money in the first box: "The Prophet" begins In the film, a vagrant foresees the end of the world and tries to warn people, but nobody believes him They will soon enough In the second film, "The Wonderpill," a short-sighted man initially goes blind from some pills his doctor gave him, butsoon the blindness wears off and he finds they accord quite a view "La Lucha," the third story, introduces a Mexican wrestler who fights against death himself In a typical Ott twist, he wins and loses at the same time The final story, "The Hotel," depicts a traveler who goes to sleep in what seems to be an otherwise empty hotel His awakening is the stuff of nightmares Ott's O Henry-esque plot twists will delight fans of classic horror like The Twilight Zone and Tales From the Crypt, or modern efforts like M Night Shamalayan's films; his artwork will haunt you long after you've put the book down Автор Томас Отт Thomas Ott.  stud   Afro   Prin   МироИздательство: Fantagraphics Books, 2005 г Твердый переплет, 104 стр ISBN 1560976497.

Customer Service In The Information Age: A Common Sense Approach to High-Tech Help (Crisp Fifty-Minute Series) артикул 11137d.
Customer Service In The Information Age: A Common Sense Approach to High-Tech Help (Crisp Fifty-Minute Series) артикул 11137d.

Book Description"Customer Service in the Information Age" provides readers and trainers with insight into how to realign their customer service techinques to meet Information Age customer expectations The book focuses on new frontiers in customer service such as e-mail, Web sites, customer relationship management (CRM), and оззех automated telephone systems, while revisiting some customer service basiscs like the importance of a personal response and using common sense.  Wind   Road   Mari   конс2004 г ISBN 0619259094.

Jackson Pollock's Blue Poles артикул 11139d.
Jackson Pollock's Blue Poles артикул 11139d.

Book DescriptionThe abstract paintings of the American artist Jackson Pollock (1912-1956) are among the highest achievements of 20th century art One of Pollocks masterpieces, "Blue Poles," is an American painting which has become an Australian icon A key part of the art history of Australia, its controversial purchase in 1973 оззеы by the National Gallery of Australia was a sign for some of Australias economic and cultural dependence on the United States For others it was a sign that Australia was entering a new world in which traditional ties could be broken, and cultural and economic allegiances were open to negotiation This catalogue brings together a selection of Pollocks works that help to situate "Blue Poles" in the broader development of the artists career Ranging in date from 1933 to 1952 and covering painting, drawing, and printmaking, the works show the diversity of Pollocks interests, which included Mexican mural painting, French Surrealism, and Native American art The essays look at "Blue Poles" from three different perspectives The introduction examines the artists life and work leading up to 1952, followed by a discussion of "Blue Poles" and its place in Pollocks oeuvre Another essaydiscusses the first exhibition of the painting in new York in 1952 and identifies an important shift that was taking place in the artists work The last essay takes a personal look at the reception of "Blue Poles" in the United States and Australia from 1970s to the present.  Bozi   Слов   клуб   ЛитР2003 г 120 стр ISBN 0642541604.

The Paradox of Excellence : How Great Performance Can Kill Your Business артикул 11141d.
The Paradox of Excellence : How Great Performance Can Kill Your Business артикул 11141d.

Book DescriptionAre you striving for excellence yet find your efforts increasingly taken for granted and undervalued? You’re not alone Many companies discover their improved performance doesn’t translate into higher perceived value In fact,it simply shifts the customer’s expectations upward, causing the customer to take the new, оззжг improved performance for granted High-performance companies unwittingly create unrealistic customer expectations that become impossible to meet In this important book, the authors use a realistic story that illustrates the paradox of excellence¾the better you perform, the more invisible you become to everything but bad news¾shows the symptoms and causes, and provides clear guidance for overcoming this perplexing dilemma The Paradox of Excellence introduces an entertaining story with characters that are easy to relate to, ideas that can be readily implemented, and a practical framework for achieving long-term success .  ЛитР   Трои   Води   Грос2005 г ISBN 0787981397.

Auguste Rodin: Watercolors From The Collection Of The Musee Rodin, Paris артикул 11143d.
Auguste Rodin: Watercolors From The Collection Of The Musee Rodin, Paris артикул 11143d.

Book DescriptionAuguste Rodin's extraordinary watercolors are generally less familiar to the public than his grandiose bronzes which set standards for later generations of sculptors Yet these studies, executed with apparent ease, are no less significantas works of art--indeed, their enthusiastic naturalism and openness make them almost оззжл more timeless and modern than his sculptures In addition to preliminary watercolor studies for his 3-dimensional works, this section of Rodin's oeuvre includes a large number of erotic silhouettes, some of them quite explicit: cheerful, warm-hearted sketches with which the artist unabashedly papered the walls of his studio This small volume presents a delightful selection of rarely-exhibited yet enchanting watercolors from the artist's estate, administered by the Musée Rodin in Paris I invent nothing, I rediscover --Auguste Rodin Edited by Thomas Knubben and Tilman Osterwold Essays by Claudie Judrin,Thomas Knubben and Tilman Osterwold Hardcover, 6 5x 9 5 in /128 pgs / 57 color and 11 b&w.  Герш   Acad   Иллю   Соде2005 г 127 стр ISBN 377571510X.

Как построить дачу артикул 11145d.
Как построить дачу артикул 11145d.

`Что нам стоит дом построить ` - часто произносим мы эту фразу, тем не менее понимая, что речь идет об очень сложной, кропотливой работе Для тех же, кто все-таки решился или планирует оззжш такое важное дело - строительство дома, полезным советчиком может стать данная книга Каким быть дому, как его разместить на участке, по какому проекту и из чего строить? Ответы на эти и многие другие вопросы популярно и доступно излагает автор книги Надеемся, что все рекомендации пригодятся начинающим строителям Автор Николай Беляев (составитель, автор).  МГор   веду   Dixi   ЦыбуИздательство: Современный литератор Твердый переплет, 320 стр ISBN 985-14-0205-2 Тираж: 8000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Secrets of the Savvy Consumer артикул 11147d.
Secrets of the Savvy Consumer артикул 11147d.

Money saving tips to negotiate any purchase - from food, entertainment, household items, and office equipment, to buying a car, insurance, real estate, airplane tickets Whether consumers realize it or not, anything can be negotiated, from car insurance to a doctor's fee This step-by-step guide by savvy consumer Corey Sandler shows precisely оззжы how Sharing the hard-won knowledge of the best in business, with inside stories from the people who sell everything from insurance, cars and houses to telephone service and office equipment, Sandler reveals: How to put a car purchase out to competitive bid How to get the best deal and best coverage on home and auto insurance How to travel first class on an economy budget How to negotiate the commission when hiring a realtor How to select the best mortgage and keep it up-to-date with changing rates and conditions How to get the most financial aid for college-bound children Jam packed with money-saving strategies and tactics forboth consumers and business people, this is a complete game plan for maximizing one's income, whether it's $20,000 or $200,000.  Куца   Mast   Стер   молоISBN 0136735266.

Умный дом артикул 11149d.
Умный дом артикул 11149d.

Вы не дипломированный электрик? У вас много идей, но не очень понятно, как же их воплотить в жизнь? Вы строитель и хотите, чтобы ваша организация шла в ногу со временем? У вас домашний оззжя театр, и вы счастливый обладатель 12 пультов? Строители забыли проложить провод для звонка? Посмотрите разделы данной книги, и вам все станет ясно Прочитав нашу книгу, вы можете воплотить мысли в железо и в конечном итоге в комфортную жизнь без занудных фраз `кто опять не выключил свет на кухне?` Автор С Богданов.  Спир   Guar   Jean   MagnСерия: Домашний мастер.

On Drawing Trees and Nature : A Classic Victorian Manual with Lessons and Examples (Dover Books on Art Instruction) артикул 11151d.
On Drawing Trees and Nature : A Classic Victorian Manual with Lessons and Examples (Dover Books on Art Instruction) артикул 11151d.

Book Description This classic of art instruction is the work of James Duffield Harding, who served as drawing master and sketching companion to the great nineteenth-century art critic, John Ruskin Highlights include: • Direct reproduction of Harding's chalk and lead pencil sketches of vignettes from natural settings • A series of lessons озззж emphasizing both practical and theoretical considerations • A bonus of 23 outstanding plates from the author's Lessons on Trees.  OZON   Wind   Топо   Inte2005 г 160 стр ISBN 0486442934.

Texture & Effects: Art Techniques From Pencil To Paint артикул 11153d.
Texture & Effects: Art Techniques From Pencil To Paint артикул 11153d.

Book Description All artists seek to portray texture and effects in their work--and will be well equipped with the extensive range of options demonstrated here This detailed guide not only covers techniques, it shows what can be achieved across the full range of media Supported by the use of Artstrips, a unique teaching tool that illustrates basic озззф techniques and tips, the exercises, studies, and compositions benefit beginners and developing artists alike In seeking to maximize the possibilities inachieving texture and effect, the author/artist also introduces the use of easily obtained materials like crayons and liquid soap! With subjects to inspire all abilities and tastes, exciting and stimulating effects will soon become a natural process in every drawing and painting produced for years to come.  Malc   Звон   Соло   авто2003 г 112 стр ISBN 1402702248.

Delacroix (Drawing Gallery series) артикул 11155d.
Delacroix (Drawing Gallery series) артикул 11155d.

The sketches and drawings by 19th-century French painter Eugene Delacroix in this collection illustrate the versatility of an artistic genius as his style evolved into an intense synthesis of forms Graphic techniques, including charcoal, red chalk, pastel, graphite pencil, pen, watercolor, and wash, distinguished Delacroix's attempt to озззю honor tradition while still testing its boundaries Inspiration drawn from nature, memory, invention, and literary texts reflects his desire to interweave past and present through lines, colors, and sensual curves Автор Арлетт Серюлля Arlette Serullaz.  Rene   Edga   Caro   НефеИздательство: 5 Continents Editions, 2004 г Мягкая обложка, 96 стр ISBN 8874391056.

How to Draw Still Life : A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners with 10 Projects (How to Draw) артикул 11102d.
How to Draw Still Life : A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners with 10 Projects (How to Draw) артикул 11102d.

Book Description Still life is perfect for beginners since every element can be controlled: composition, lighting, shape, color, and tone Filled with expert advice, this wonderful guide offers budding artists all the information they need to get started The ten projects become progressively more complex and highlight different skills Arrange оззву objects into pleasing displays and be sure that they are properly lit Draw still lifes of fruits and vegetables, hard objects, flowers and other natural objects, fabric items, pottery, and more Techniques covered include line and line quality, rendering tone and depicting color as tone, erasing as a creative process, using a grid, and mixing media With endless possible variations, still life offers art students the ideal introduction to drawing basics.  Росс   Undi   Арцр   Jerz2003 г 80 стр ISBN 1843303825.

Jack O' Lantern: A Halloween Tale артикул 11104d.
Jack O' Lantern: A Halloween Tale артикул 11104d.

Book DescriptionÂStingy Jack, the town rogue, is disliked by everyone One Halloween night, Jack is met by the Devil, who informs Jack that his soul is to be taken to Hell A battle of wits ensues as ÂStingy Jack tries to keep his soul by outsmarting the Devil Based on an old Irish folktale, Jack OÂLantern explains the origin of the traditional оззгг Halloween symbol that bears the same name.  Sifr   Fisk   рабо   Юсуп2003 г 54 стр ISBN 0595284108.

Heide Fasnacht артикул 11106d.
Heide Fasnacht артикул 11106d.

Book DescriptionSeen from a certain perspective, or at a certain magnification, all that is solid melts into air -- or clouds of atoms, or drifts of luminous vapor Bodies, whether of land, water, or flesh, are unstable aggregates; they are accidents, caught only by coincidence in forms we recognize For several years, Heidi Fasnacht has been tracking оззгк the energy released when that familiar cohesion is ruptured, and the always-present world of particles in collision is made manifest Thus her images, intwo dimensions and three, of detonations, implosions, geysers, volcanoes, fireworks, ticker tape parades, sneezes … The drawings are meticulous but lively, heavily worked but crisp and fresh They are based on photographs and executed in pencil, the strokes short and deliberate, though in some passages, the surface is smudged or scuffed Patterns associated with various techniques in mechanical reproduction, including parallel hatchmarkers and raster dots, come into play Sometimes in the black and white drawings those of explosions at sea, for instance the paper is treated as if it were an etching plate, or a stencil: it is stippled, scratched, pitted, even perforated The colored pencil drawings of volcanoes, on the other hand, can be as silky as a finely worked tapestry, and as luxuriant.  Park   Soul   Hits   SPOR2003 г 80 стр ISBN 1878607545.

The Adventures of Ruthie and a Little Boy Named Grandpa артикул 11108d.
The Adventures of Ruthie and a Little Boy Named Grandpa артикул 11108d.

Book DescriptionThen the old woman said, Ruthie, I have a cake and some cookies baking in the oven They may be almost done I am getting old and feeble It hurts me to bend over Would you kindly open the oven door, lean in, and see if the cakeand cookies are done? Ruthie opened the oven door and stuck her head way inside while the woman stood behind her peering оззгм over her shoulder Grandpa was so frightened that he closed his eyes and covered them with his hands He could not bear to watch When six-year old Ruthie, embarked on an adventure with her grandfather, she got more than she bargained for Her grandfather, magically transformed into a six-year old, is as stodgy as an old man Ruthie leads him into situations that seem familiar (like the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and Hansel and Gretel) But the familiar characters turn out to be much more interesting than they appear in this wonderful world where thing are not always what they seem to be Along the way, both Ruthie and the little boy named Grandpa learn some valuable lessons about trust and prejudice.  Mari   Vino   Cafe   Gabr2005 г 48 стр ISBN 0595366562.

Кухня Средиземноморья артикул 11110d.
Кухня Средиземноморья артикул 11110d.

Переводчик: С Казанцева Поскольку у нас в любом супермаркете имеется все, что необходимо для приготовления вкуснейших блюд средиземноморской кухни, предлагаемые в книге оззгу рецепты и их детальные описания подарят вам незабываемые мгновения наслаждения дарами южных стран.  серт   Myth   Stan   PerpИздательство: БММ, 2002 г Твердый переплет, 96 стр ISBN 5-88353-146-6, 3-932023-86-2 Тираж: 3000 экз.

Think For Your Customer артикул 11112d.
Think For Your Customer артикул 11112d.

Book DescriptionIn a series of nine chapters, the Stanley's build a framework to a successful retail operation by explaining the importance of creating a successful relationship with customers At the end of each chapter, they have included a three-point course-of-action and room to construct an individual battle plan for a particular business оззгч While the Stanley's are clearly passionate about their views, they have written the book in a folksy, conversationalist manner It tells an uncomplicated message that, in many respects, is just good old-fashioned common sense The book is based on sound logic, underpinned by the Stanley's vast depth of knowledge, and most small business people will find benefit in the dozens of suggestions and advice tips It explores a lot of the myths surrounding the retail industry and also deals with the changing world where new technologies are occurring every day "It's a time of change and in times of change leaders emerge and show us the way forward," the Stanley's write "Your role is to be one of these leaders " There can be no doubting Stanley's leadership qualities in the retail consultancy field He has been talking and writing about it all over world for more than 25 years, and he is now a much sought after speaker across Europe, Australasia, the Americas and South Africa With this depth of experience and knowledge, Stanley and his wife Linda write with authority And yet, theirs is a simple message your business will improve if it lifts the standard of its customer service.  Tran   книг   Creo   Dona2005 г ISBN 0975011812.

Cute, Quaint, Hungry and Romantic: The Aesthetics of Consumerism артикул 11114d.
Cute, Quaint, Hungry and Romantic: The Aesthetics of Consumerism артикул 11114d.

First time in paperback: "An exhilarating collection by a brilliant writer a penetrating observer of things so familiar that they're in danger of not being noticed "-Steven Millhauser Call it an encyclopedia of low-brow aesthetics In Cute, Quaint, Hungry and Romantic, the writer whom Steven Millhauser called "the most original оззгю essayist since George Orwell" examines with devastating wit and in a style distinctly his own the contagious appeal of that which is not art, the uses of the useless, the politics of product design and advertising Here is a psychic voyage into the aesthetic unconscious of the consumer, as well as "the perfect companion for any foray through Restoration Hardware or the freezer compartment at Dean & DeLuca" (Village Voice Literary Supplement) From teddy bears to Mars Bars to Leonardo DiCaprio, this is the refuse of consumerism unflinchingly-and very entertainingly-observed.  LEGO   Ткал   впер   RogeISBN 0306810476.

Работы по дереву Материалы, технология, изделия артикул 11116d.
Работы по дереву Материалы, технология, изделия артикул 11116d.

Наша книга познакомит Вас с различными технологиями художественной обработки дерева Вы получите полезную информацию о видах резьбы по дереву, мозаике, инкрустации, узнаете, озздз как своими руками смастерить красивое изделие из дерева, пользуясь столярными, токарными инструментами и лобзиком Авторы Валентина Рыженко (составитель, автор) Виктор Юров (составитель, автор).  Jame   Алек   Cher   IsaaСерия: Домашний мастер.

Richard Artschwager: Drawings 1960-2002 артикул 11118d.
Richard Artschwager: Drawings 1960-2002 артикул 11118d.

Known for making furniture sculptures out of laminate and painted wood, Richard Artschwager here picks up a pencil and draws For the first time, a large selection of the artist's works on paper appear in print, testing his object-based criticism of illusionism and symbolic meaning Made between 1960 and 2000, these drawings and paintings range озздй in subject, including recent portraits that bear an unsettling intensity Авторы Michael Semff Dieter Schwartz Richard Artschwager.  Херл   Etni   Diam   HarrИздательство: Richter Verlag; Bilingual edition, 2003 г Твердый переплет, 120 стр ISBN 3933807840.

Marcel Wanders артикул 11120d.
Marcel Wanders артикул 11120d.

Dutch designer Marcel Wanders is undeniably one of the most prolific and celebratedinternational designers today Marcel Wanders: Behind the Ceiling is thehighly anticipated first monograph on the star designer It charts his provocativebody of work and stellar career Wanders has garnered fame through his ingenious talent, turning conceptualvisions озздм into stunning products and dazzling environments by fusing cuttingedgetechnology, artistry and a love of the bizarre Wanders designs are characteristicallybuoyant and imbued with his signature irony and quirky dry wit thatevoke imagination; nevertheless, his furniture, lighting, interior designs, tableware,decorative porcelain and ceramic vases are unpretentiously urbane Lavishly printed, this book showcases Marcel Wanders work over the past decade It features tableware for the renowned Dutch porcelain manufacturersTichelaar Makkum and Royal Delft, as well as his personal art editions such ashis acclaimed oversized ceramic bells, crochet seating and sculptures launchedby his own studio In addition, it presents textiles and furniture he has designedfor an extensive client list including brands such as B&B Italia, Poliform, Moroso,Cappellini, Droog as well as Moooi, of which he is also Art Director and co-owner An entertainer at heart, his theatrical performances and installations are alsoincluded, which prove his exceptional skill at amplifying experience with mesmerisingenvironments The book also introduces designs for interiors and architecture such as theextraordinary all over city hospitality-concept Lute Suites he established inAmsterdam as well as unpublished projects, including the new Mondrian SouthBeach hotel in Miami and the Villa Moda Flagship store in Bahrain, scheduled toopen its doors in 2009 Marcel Wanders: Behind the Ceiling includes beautiful photographs andsketches, and an accompanying text offers a first-hand account of Wanders irresistible universe.  Alex   Aqua   Gmax   Andr2009 г Твердый переплет, 320 стр ISBN 3899552342.

Treasures of the British Museum артикул 11122d.
Treasures of the British Museum артикул 11122d.

The British Museum is the most magnificent treasure-house in the world The wealth and range of its collections is unequalled by any other national museum The Rosetta Stone, the Parthenon sculptures, Egyptian mummies, drawings by Botticelli and Michelangelo, Assyrian reliefs, the Lewis Chessmen and the Sutton Hoo treasure are all to be found озздч here Treasures of the British Museum reveals and delights the reader with the intriguing stories behind these treasures and many more This timely new edition brings the story up to date, with chapters on important acquisitions made by the Museum in the last fifteen years, including the Warren Cup and the 'Queen of the Night' A beautiful redesign incorporating full colour photography throughout gives this classic volume a fresh new look.  Tato   Kary   спас   Заре2009 г Твердый переплет, 240 стр ISBN 0714150622.

Smart Things to Know About, Teams артикул 11124d.
Smart Things to Know About, Teams артикул 11124d.

In todays business environment where work is based on knowledge, teamwork matters more than ever and making your team work well is vital Getting ahead requires collaboration and co-operation If you want to really understand teamworking, youve picked up the right book Smart Things to Know About Teams is a distilled summary of everything you оззды always wanted to know about teams and teamworking It will help you: understand how teams work make team communication effective lead a team survive when things go wrong measure your teams success make teams work for you become the teamworking champion in your organization Smart Things to Know About Teams gives you everything you need to achieve personal results and business success through teamworking Watch your career take off! Smart Things to Say: There are no winners on a losing team and no losers on a winning team David House, CEO, Bay Networks.  крас   9056   Arts   03-1ISBN 1841120367.

Katsura Funakoshi & Ernst Barlach: A Map of the Time артикул 11126d.
Katsura Funakoshi & Ernst Barlach: A Map of the Time артикул 11126d.

Book DescriptionIn a dialogue across time and continents, the figurative works of contemporary Japanese sculptor Katsura Funakoshi (born 1951) and Ernst Barlach (1870-1938), one of the masters of German Expressionism, meet in this book Both artists use wood as their medium, Barlach showing in oak and walnut and Funakoshi carving from soft camphor озздэ wood and implanting marble eyes Edited by Ernst Barlach Haus and Annely Juda Fine Essays by Katja Blomberg, Sebastian Giesen and Karin Schick Hardcover, 8 5 x 10 75 in /96 pgs / 58 color and 4 b&w.  Щерб   Exce   Добр   Svag2006 г 96 стр ISBN 3936646910.

Healing Client Relationships: A Professional's Guide to Managing Client Conflict артикул 11128d.
Healing Client Relationships: A Professional's Guide to Managing Client Conflict артикул 11128d.

Can You Afford to Lose Clients? Long-term client relationships are the life blood of a professional service practice, but too often, professionals lose clients through conflict This book will show you how to manage client conflict and restore relationships to health and profitability Whether you are a solo operator or part of a worldwide firm, озздя healing client relationships is a critical part of your job In the book, you will learn: + What to do when a client complains + How to take control of conflict + How to handle emotional clients + Why clients become dissatisfied + How to avoid making things worse + How to prevent conflict.  слов   Mich   Garm   CracISBN 0971246807.

Magic Mix-Up! (Airy Fairy Books) артикул 11130d.
Magic Mix-Up! (Airy Fairy Books) артикул 11130d.

Book Description Everybody knows that fairies are charming little creatures, dainty, pretty, and tidy Airy Fairy is different Young readers who make her acquaintance soon realize that she does have charmbut dainty? Tidy? Not Airy Fairy! Kids willlaugh as they read these stories about the messiest fairy in town Funny stories, vivid characters, оззее and amusing line art fill the pages of the Airy Fairy series Each story appears in chapters, just like an adults novel, but Airy Fairys humorous adventures are written on a level that will appeal to girls and boys Black-and-white illustrations on nearly every page.  хоро   полю   Silv   Brot2005 г 80 стр ISBN 0764131893.

Sunlight and Shadow (Once Upon a Time) артикул 11132d.
Sunlight and Shadow (Once Upon a Time) артикул 11132d.

Book Description A new spin on "The Magic Flute" by an acclaimed author! In a time when the world was young and many things were quite commonplace that are now entirely forgotten, Sarastro, Mage of the Day, wed Pamina, the Queen of the Night And in this way was the world complete, for light was joined to dark For all time would they be joined оззей together Only the ending of the world could tear them apart In other words, in the days in which my parents married, there was no such thing as divorce Thus begins the tale of Mina, a girl-child born on the longest night of the darkest month of the year When her father looked at her, all he saw was what he feared: By birth, by name, by nature, she belonged to the Dark So when Mina turned sixteen, her father took her away from shadow and brought her into sunlight In retaliation, her mother lured a handsome prince into a deadly agreement: If he frees Mina, he can claim her as his bride Now Mina and her prince must endure deadly trials -- of love and fate and family -- before they can truly live happily ever after.  цвет   Осип   Para   18152004 г 192 стр ISBN 0689869991.

They Say They Want a Revolution: What Marketers Need to Know As Consumers Take Control артикул 11134d.
They Say They Want a Revolution: What Marketers Need to Know As Consumers Take Control артикул 11134d.

Many of those in charge of brand strategies are clueless as to why the old ways of marketing are no longer effective They continue their Madison Avenue crusades with disingenuous fervor Plan their strategies with reach and frequency projections and then continue to target their audiences with 30-second sound bites Yet they're mystified, unable оззем to explain how it is they execute flawlessly, but still their market share declines From 1996 to 2000, the Big Three automotive companies increased their marketing cost per vehicle by 87 percent Yet, their combined market share dropped by more than four percentage points! Detroit is not alone in its marketing futility Nearly every product niche is experiencing the same Overwhelmed by brand overload,deafened by market din, and empowered by new technologies, the consumer is no longer a passive target simply awaiting directives from the marketing establishment With the ultimate desire to touch, and be touched, the consumer has taken control of when, where, and how they retrieve information relevant to their purchasing decisions Whether it's the TiVo control that allows them to effortlessly fly past commercials, interactive DVDs that simultaneously engage and enlighten, or intelligent web sites that cater to their individual needs, the consumer has ascended the throne.  Geni   OPEL   Blau   PENNISBN 0595298389.

Дизайн интерьера Теория и практика организации домашнего интерьера артикул 11136d.
Дизайн интерьера Теория и практика организации домашнего интерьера артикул 11136d.

В книге рассматривается история архитектурных стилей в плане дизайна интерьера современной квартиры или дома Уделяется внимание планировке жилья, подбору или изготовлению оззет встроенной мебели, элементам интерьера, начиная с полов и заканчивая лестницей, учитывая роль комнатных растений в создании домашнего микроклимата Несомненный интерес вызовут страницы книги, посвященные ремонту и отделочным материалам, эргономике пространства и цвету Книга предназначена как для специалистов, так и для широкого круга читателей Автор В Протопопов.  язык   Буха   Сост   демоСерия: Архитектурное образование.

The Vancouver Achievement: Urban Planning and Design артикул 11138d.
The Vancouver Achievement: Urban Planning and Design артикул 11138d.

Book DescriptionThis book examines the development of Vancouvers unique approach to zoning, planning, and urban design from the early 1970s to the beginning of the twenty-first century Vancouver has established an excellent reputation in North America for its planning achievements, especially for its discretionary zoning system, cooperative оззеч planning model for megaprojects, discretionary control of major developments, development levies, management of neighborhood change, and strategic citywide approach to building intensification These systems place Vancouver at the forefront of international planning practice This book builds upon an exhaustive analysis of city planning documents, supplemented by in-depth interviews with leading local planners, politicians, architects, and developers Generously illustrated, it will appeal to academic and professional audiences, as well as the general public.  Щерб   увед   серт   Fran2004 г 480 стр ISBN 0774809728.

Дача своими руками артикул 11140d.
Дача своими руками артикул 11140d.

Знаете ли вы, что у 85% населения России есть дачные участки? А может быть, вы сами принадлежите к этим 85% счастливчиков? Тогда эта книга — самая настоящая находка для вас В ней вы найдете оззжв массу самых различных советов и рекомендаций по планированию своего дачного участка, постройке дома, хозблока и бани, проведению водопровода Кроме того, вы узнаете, как наилучшим образом обустроить на своем дачном участке детский уголок Автор Иван Дубровин.  Низо   рома   Goin   АудиСерия: Для дома, для семьи.

Why People Buy Things They Don't Need : Understanding and Predicting Consumer Behavior артикул 11142d.
Why People Buy Things They Don't Need : Understanding and Predicting Consumer Behavior артикул 11142d.

Consumers shop to satisfy emotional needs and desires-if a company is selling to emotion, then it's in the business of luxury What motivates consumers to buy? Is it pleasure?Education? Entertainment? Status? Or just an impulse? Knowing why consumers buy what they do is the secret to predicting how they will behave in the ever-changing marketplace оззжд In most cases, much of what people buy are items they really don't need Focusing on the "whys" of spending, Danziger has meticulously profiled customers in more than 30 categories of discretionary spending through research based on surveys, interviews, and focus groups from a variety of people who make discretionary purchases She provides readers with a vision of the future, givingthem the foresight to anticipate the needs and desires of their customers This groundbreaking guide will help marketers of all products understand the underlying motivators consumers use to both make their purchases and become satisfied, loyal customers In Why People Buy Things They Don't Need, Danziger examines: * The 14 justifiers that give consumers "permission" to buy * Trends impacting why people purchase what they do * How to sell even more to these customers * The future of discretionary spending.  рабо   Herb   Руби   СодеISBN 0793186021.

May I Help You?: Great Customer Service for Small Business артикул 11144d.
May I Help You?: Great Customer Service for Small Business артикул 11144d.

Book DescriptionNine rules for providing reliably stellar services to clients, both new and old, are detailed in this guide written for small business owners Rules include providing high standards of service, providing customers with information, being open and honest, offering choices, consulting with customers, being courteous and helpful, оззжм making things right for customers, and providing value for money Anecdotal advice tackles difficult customer service issues Designed to help small businesses unravel the mysteries of the service transaction, this book ensures that customers are happy with service and not just the skills and products being sold.  меся   чита   теат   Flyi2004 г ISBN 1865088587.

Практические советы Водяное отопление дома, дачи, коттеджа артикул 11146d.
Практические советы Водяное отопление дома, дачи, коттеджа артикул 11146d.

Книга знакомит читателя с системами водяного отопления, которые можно использовать для отопления индивидуального жилого дома, коттеджа, дачи Даются рекомендации по приобретению оззжщ и использованию оборудования, материалов и инструментов.  Скво   Nige   Rajn   СодеСерия: Домашний мастер.

Life Studies, Life Stories : Drawings артикул 11148d.
Life Studies, Life Stories : Drawings артикул 11148d.

Book Description Close to 100 figurative drawings in black and white, and in color, mostly nudes in love or strife, some "disastered by life," some with incisive or caustic words integrated in the images This is a retrospective of Ferlinghetti's graphic work and play, ranging from his early drawings made in Paris ateliers, to yesterday's оззжэ sessions sketching models in his San Francisco studio Lawrence Ferlinghetti, poet and founder of City Lights Books, author of A Coney Island of the Mind and Pictures of the Gone World, among numerous other books, has been drawing from life since his student days in Paris where he frequented the Academie Julien and where he did his first oil painting.  Wink   Шенк   Mari   Яков2003 г 112 стр ISBN 0872864219.

Be Our Guest: Perfecting the Аrt of Customer Service артикул 11150d.
Be Our Guest: Perfecting the Аrt of Customer Service артикул 11150d.

All organizations are driving toward the same goal-how best to serve the people who purchase their products and services Whether they are called clients, customers, constituents, or, in Disney-speak, guests - they must be satisfied or risk being lost Even before authors Tom Peters and Bob Waterman profiled Walt Disney World Resort in their groundbreaking оззза book In Search of Excellence, the most popular resort destination in the world enjoyed a reputation as a company that set the benchmark for outstanding business practices Now, for the first time, one critical element of the methodology behind the magic that is the Wall Disney World Resort - quality service - Is revealed in Be Out Guest Be Our Guest outlines proven Disney principles and processes for helping your organization focus its vision and assemble its people and Infrastructure within a cohesive strategy that delivers on the promise of exceptional customer service Автор Michael D Eisner.  Fina   Sabb   писа   MirrИздательство: Disney Enterprises Мягкая обложка, 208 стр ISBN 0-7868-5394-8.

Дела домашние Уход, ремонт, комфорт артикул 11152d.
Дела домашние Уход, ремонт, комфорт артикул 11152d.

Домашние хлопоты можно упростить Иные мелочи, если их вовремя не сделать, подчас могут превратиться в довольно непростые проблемы Именно эти повседневные вопросы рассмотрены озззс в первом разделе `Залог долгой жизни изделий` - воспользовавшись рекомендациямипо правильному уходу, Вы сможете отсрочить ремонт, но когда Вы с ним все же столкнетесь, на помощь придут советы из раздела `Ремонтные работы в доме` Завершает книгу раздел `Комфорт и экономия`, где Вы найдете советы по утеплению жилища Советы и рекомендации изложены доходчиво, с иллюстрациями, и помогут Вам содержать дом или квартиру в образцовом порядке Широкому кругу читателей Автор Виктор Сафроненко.  With   Silv   Silv   SilvИздательство: Хэлтон Твердый переплет, 384 стр ISBN 985-6193-32-X Тираж: 11000 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Customer Service: Building Successful Skills for the Twenty-First Century артикул 11154d.
Customer Service: Building Successful Skills for the Twenty-First Century артикул 11154d.

In today’s “customercentric” world, superior service is fast becoming a vital competitive advantage Customer Service provides hands-on, comprehensive coverage for improving all aspects of customer service, especially handling problems and stress This new edition features interviews with working customer service professionals, озззч boxes that highlight leadership qualities of successful customer service managers, an increased focus on diversity issues, and more.  Eliz   Аник   Иллю   XVIIISBN 0072938056.

The Future of Retail Banking: Delivering Value to Global Customers артикул 11156d.
The Future of Retail Banking: Delivering Value to Global Customers артикул 11156d.

This book arises from an event on the future of banking which included leading figures in the industry It addresses current trends influencing competition including globalization, market structure, technology, and demographics and how these will impact upon companies and their organization, business opportunities, revenue streams, branding, оззиб and customer behavior It will also show banks how to develop strategic initiatives for future competition This will represent essential thinking for the banking and financial services industry Автор Джозеф А ДиВэйнна Joseph A DiVanna.  tuchkas   Thin   реда   Издательство: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004 г Твердый переплет, 224 стр ISBN 1403911266.

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